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Aurswald Collection of 3500 chess tactics in PGN format

There's a Tactics pgn with 3500 tactics called "Auerswald Collection" 

From here: 


PGNs (ebook, player, game ...) : http://crefranek.com/4xj4
A renewable huge collection of PGNs ebook http://hinafinea.com/3FHo
Get more PGNs endgame http://hinafinea.com/4jPz

Ebooks by Andrew Soltis (PDF, PGN) from here: http://hinafinea.com/5GVT
PGNs (ebook, player, game ...) : http://crefranek.com/4xj4

More Chess resources from here : http://crefranek.com/4HUk
Chess magazine: http://raboninco.com/F6AD
More Chess Miniature Collection from here http://hinafinea.com/1cAd
Fuente y más recursos de ajedrez desde aquí: http://hinafinea.com/1cGn


Aurswald Collection of 3500 chess tactics in PGN format,

Auerswald Collection

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