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Ebooks by Artur Yusupov (Jussupow) in PDF and PGN + Bonus PGN Player

   Artur Mayakovich Yusupov (Russian: Арту́р Маякович Юсу́пов; German: Artur Majakowitsch Jussupow; born February 13, 1960 in Moscow, Soviet Union) is a Russian chess grandmaster and a chess writer. He has lived in Germany since the early 1990s.

Here there is some ebooks by  Artur Yusupov

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Chess Evolution 1: The Fundamentals PDF

 Build Up Your Chess  1 - The Fundamentals PDF


Boost Your Chess 1: The Fundamentals PDF

Boost Your Chess 2: Beyond the Basics PDF


 Chess Lessons, PGN

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Chess Lessons, PDF

Bonus PGN Player Artur Yusupov (Jussupow)

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