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The Tao Of Chess: 200 Principles to Transform Your Game and Your Life in PDF

 By   Peter Kurzdorfer

The real secrets to winning the game of chess - and the game of life

Chess mastery has been recognized since ancient times as an unparalleled way to learn political strategy, but until now no book has explored the life lessons chess teaches and how they can transform lives. In The Tao of Chess, the author seamlessly blends the wisdom of a time-honoured spiritual quest for truth with 200 principles that will improve anyone's chess game. By following the author's principles, readers not only come to enjoy the game more, they develop a habit of seeking underlying truth - whether in a chess game or a real-life situation.

The Tao of Chess is full of conscise advice, such as:
  • Understanding is more important than memory
  • Fortune favors the brave
  • When you see a good move, wait and look for a better move
  • Mistakes tend to come in bunches
  • Trust your intuition; it's usually right

Authoritative and easy to follow, this book will turn every reader into a master strategist.


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