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A renewable collection of Chess Opening PGNs (Come back and check)

A big revolving serie  of Chess Opening PGNs for free. Revolving from time to time. Have fun !!!  

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To be continued -UP-

Added on November, 19th

Old Indian Defense, PGN
Owen's Defense (1...b6), PGN
Wall's Owen Defense Games, PGN
Petroff Defense Main, PGN
Petroff Other, PGN
Philidor's Defense, PGN
Austrian Pirc, PGN
Classical Pirc, PGN
Pirc Misc Black 3rd moves, PGN
Pirc Misc White 3rd moves, PGN
Pirc Misc White 4th moves, PGN
Ponziani's Opening, PGN

Added on November, 15th

Latvian Elephant, PGN
London System with 2...e6, PGN
London System with 2...g6, PGN
Modern with 2.Nc3 c6, PGN
Modern with 3.Nc3 e6, PGN
Modern with 3.Nc3, PGN
Modern with 3.Nf3, PGN
Modern Benoni with 6.e4, PGN
Modern Benoni with 6.Nf3, PGN
Modern other 3, PGN
Modern Misc., PGN
Nimzo-Indian with 4.f3, PGN
Nimzo-Indian with 4.Nf3, PGN
Nimzo-Indian Closed with 4.c5, PGN
Nimzo-Indian Closed with 4.O-O, PGN
Nimzo-Indian Closed Misc, PGN
Nimzo-Indian Defense, PGN
Nimzo-Leningrad, PGN
Nimzo Other 4, PGN
Nimzo Rubinstein 4.c5, PGN
Nimzo Rubinstein 4.O-O, PGN
Nimzo Rubinstein Other, PGN
Nimzo Saemisch, PGN
Nimzovitch-Larsen, PGN

Added on October, 16th

Giuoco Piano, PGN
Goring Gambit, PGN
Grunfeld with 4.Nf3, PGN
Grunfeld Exchange, PGN
Grunfeld Fianchetto, PGN
Grunfeld Other, PGN
Hodgson, PGN
Hungarian, PGN
King's Indian Defense 4 Pawns, PGN
King's Indian Defense Averbakh, PGN
King's Indian Defense Classical, PGN
King's Indian Defense Fianchetto, PGN
King's Indian Defense Other 5,6, PGN
King's Indian Defense Other 7, PGN
King's Indian Defense Petrosian, PGN
King's Indian Defense Saemisch, PGN
King's Gambit, PGN

Added on October, 15th
Sicilian Reversed with 1.g3, PGN
Sicilian Reversed with Four Knights, PGN
Sicilian Reversed Bremen Variation, PGN
Closed Sicilian Reversed Closed, PGN
Sicilian Reverse Other B2, PGN
Symmetrical English with 3.d4, PGN
Symmetrical English Four Knights, PGN
Symmetrical English Hedgehog, PGN
Symmetrical English Main, PGN
Symmetrical English Misc B3, PGN
Symmetrical English Double Fianchetto, PGN
Four Knights Game, PGN
French Advance, PGN
French Burn, PGN
Classical French, PGN
Exchange French, PGN
French King's Indian Attack, PGN
French MacCutcheon, PGN
French Misc., PGN
French Rubinstein, PGN
French Steinitz, PGN
French Tarrasch with 3...c5, PGN
French Tarrasch with 3...Nf6, PGN
French Misc Third Moves, PGN
French Winawer, PGN
French Winawer OtherB4, PGN
French Winawer Other W4, PGN

Added on October, 14th

Catalan with 3.Bb4, PGN
Catalan with 3.c5, PGN
Closed Catalan, PGN
Open Catalan, PGN
Center Game and Danish Gambit, PGN
Colle System, PGN
Czech-Benoni, PGN
Dunst Opening (1. Nc3), PGN
Dutch with 3.Nc3, PGN
Classical Dutch, PGN
Leningrad Dutch, PGN
Dutch Miscellanous, PGN
English with 1...b6, PGN
English with 1...c6, PGN
English with 1...e6 2.Nc3 d5, PGN
English with 1...e6 2. Nf3 d5, PGN
English with 1...e6 Main Line, PGN
English with 1...f5, PGN
English with 1...g6, PGN
English with 1...Nf6 2. g3, PGN
English with 1...Nf6 2. Nc3, PGN
English with 1...Nf6 2. Nf3, PGN
English Flohr-Mikenas variation, PGN

Added on October, 13th

Alekhine's Defense with 2.Nc3 d5, PGN
Alekhine's Defense: Four Pawn Attack, PGN
Alekhine's Defense: Exchange Variation, PGN
Alekhine's Defense: Modern, PGN
Alekhine's Defense: Miscellaneous, PGN
Benko Gambit, PGN
Bird's Opening (1.f4), PGN
Bishop's Opening, PGN
Black Knight Tango, PGN
Bogo with 4.Bd2, PGN
Bogo with 4.Nbd2, PGN
Budapest Gambit, PGN
Caro-Kann with 2.c4, PGN
Caro-Kann Two Knight, PGN
Caro-Kann with 4...Nd7, PGN
Caro-Kann with 4...Nf6, PGN
Caro-Kann Advance Variation, PGN
Caro-Kann Classical, PGN
Caro-Kann Exchange, PGN
Caro-Kann Panov-Botvinnik, PGN