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Soltis - Catalog of Chess Mistakes, PDF , PGN

Soltis-100 Best Games of the 20th Century, PGN
Soltis-Art of Defense, PGN
US Championship 1845-1985, PGN
Soltis - Morphy Chess Masterpieces, PGN
Soltis - The U.S. Chess Championship, PGN
Soltis - Beating the Pirc, PGN
Soltis - Bobby Fischer rediscovered, PGN
Soltis - Colle System Koltanowski Variation, PGN
Soltis - Frank Marshall, PGN
Soltis - French Defence Advance Variation, PGN
Soltis - Grandmaster Secrets Endings, PGN
Soltis - How to Choose a Chess Move, PGN
Soltis - New Ideas in Chess, PGN
Soltis - New Ideas in Chess Vol. 2, PGN
Soltis - Pawn Structure Chess, PGN
Soltis - Petrosian The Powerful, PGN
Soltis - Pillsbury The Extraordinary, PGN
Soltis - Tal the Magnificent, PGN
Soltis - The Best Games of Boris Spassky, PGN
Soltis - The Great Chess Tournaments, PGN
Soltis - The Inner Game of Chess, PGN
Soltis - The Stonewell Attack, PGN
Soltis - Turning Advantage into Victory, PGN
Soltis - White Opening Systems, PGN
Soltis - Why Lasker Matters, PGN
Soltis - Winning with 1. d4, PGN
Bonus: Andrew Soltis, PGN